Research Highlights

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Community structure


Real-world networks often exhibit community structure in them. Thus, finding these communities is crucial to understand the dynamics and function of these networks. I continue to work on devising methods and algorithms to capture community structure in networks. Some of these methods are also used to analyze Omics data.


Biological networks


Identifying functional units in biological networks (e.g., gene co-expression, protein-protein interaction networks) is an important problem in systems biology. Despite abundance of data, determining how genes or proteins interact and operate together to control the function at the system level is still not well understood. I am particularly interested in applying theoretical and computational methods to understand the topological structure and function of these molecular interaction networks.


Social dynamics


Simple models can be useful to gain insights into evolution/spreading of opinions in social systems. One of my research interests has been to study models of social influence in networks, where the interaction among individuals is governed by widely accepted social theories (diffusion, homophily, structural balance etc.).



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